School Logo

School Logo Of Sri Sarvajna School

Knowledge if given a proper direction has the power to transform the society we live in. At Sri Sarvajna, we firmly believe that there is more to knowledge than just imparting information. Knowledge should serve for a much higher purpose, for the upliftment of humanity and should contribute to the progression of the society. Everything we do at Sri Sarvajna are centred around the development of a child, what we call “The Bubbles of Joy”.

The Sarvajna ‘Bubbles of Joy’ is a symbol of all what we do to help children manifest into the ‘Youth of tomorrow’. To identify and nurture the tiniest ofrnpositive traits present in each child and to enrich it to bring out a qualitative transformation for a better society in the making.

‘The Bubbles of Joy’ hence is an amalgamation of all the endowments bestowed upon children that helps facilitate their development in a holistic way. The value add and the significance each bubble holds is as follows: &bull

  • Preparing for the real world
  • Education that manifests enlightenment
  • Learnings that inspire to achieve greatness
  • Freedom to express one’s thoughts
  • Building a character that reflects commitment
  • To inculcate values of respect, integrity, and honesty
  • An atmosphere that resonates joy and satisfaction
  • Knowledge that transpires humility
  • Teachings that inspires critical thinking and emotional reasoning
  • Skill development to make children self-sufficient
  • Values that promote the right morals and ethics

Orange Bubble represents ‘A Happy Child in the making’